Kayakking Around

 Comments and color from the cockpit.

An Insider’s Guide to Finding Foundation Funding – Part 1

A Brief Introduction

An Insider’s Guide to Finding Foundation Funding – Part 1

For eighteen years I had the opportunity to work in a national foundation. During that time I read over 6,000 grant proposals and participated in awarding over 2,500 grants. This means that I have seen good proposals, bad proposals and ones that should never have left the writer’s grasp. It also means that I have(…)


Setting Ground Rules to Guide Your Meetings and Discussions

Setting Ground Rules to Guide Your Meetings and Discussions

Meetings can be an important step in developing strategies, coordinating work or ensuring that people are on the same page with information and responsibilities. A good meeting lifts spirits, creates action plans and does not drag on forever. A poorly run meeting can make you want to stick a fork in your eye. While they(…)